
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

DVD: Review: Team America: World Police

Hysterical - it's amazing how funny it can be when you take a simple shot of a character being serious when that character is a puppet. However, you really have to like South Park-style potty humor to enjoy it (perfect example: the theme song, entitled "America! F*%k Yeah!!"). Crude as it is, it also gives the audience a somewhat sobering look at how the rest of the world sees Americans, if you're paying attention. It seems funny to us, but it's probably not too far from the truth - that we seem like a bunch of cowboys willing to blow up an entire city to get rid of a couple of bad guys. If you watch it, think about our involvement in the middle east and you'll see what they're getting at. I think this subtlety is the reason some people regard Trey Paker and Matt Stone as contemporary geniuses.

As with just about all Parker-Stone material, it's definitely not for kids - the label says it all: "Rated R for language, violence and sex - all involving puppets."

Bottom line: definitely see it, but only if you're a South Park fan. If you are, you won't be disappointed.


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