
Thursday, March 24, 2005

TV: 24: 3/21/2005

Haven't posted in a while - I've been away on biz, vacation, etc. This week's 24 had a couple of great techno-terms: "Satellite parabolas" and "laser aggregators". You know, there are REAL things that do what they're trying to do - they just have to look them up. Instead they just make up high-tech sounding words. Gotta love it.

Of course, there was also more opening of "sockets", this time a "socket" was opened directly into the video feeds from the California transit traffic cameras. From a still from the traffic camera, they managed to "enhance" the blurry, dark picture of the van to get a crystal-clear picture of its license plate. Now this is one of my biggest TV pet peeves. You can't "zoom in" or "enhance" a TV picture - you can't generate a more detailed picture out of a less-detailed one. It's like saying, "here, take this block of four squares and make a picture of a cat." You can't make something out of nothing!

Anyway, enough ranting. I did love how Dina got ganked when she tried to kill Marwan after he ordered her to kill Jack - that was sweet. But did she really think she'd be able to get out of there alive after shooting Marwan? He had like 50 dudes with machine guns there.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Movies: Review: Cursed

Another one I got dragged into... Wes Craven hasn't made anything decent since Scream, and this is no exception. It's a werewolf movie with a mix of digital effects and old-school costumes and makeup, which makes the scenes a bit choppy. It's not really that scary either, with a few minor jolts when something jumps out of nowhere. The movie's only saving grace is comedy - it was actually quite funny in parts, not taking itself too seriously.

Bottom line: Don't waste $9 seeing it in the theater - rent it if there's nothing better available.